Table of Contents


Most of the Time serie database have also a visualization tool.

75% of business graphs display time series data.

The visual representation of the full year with four seasons can be seen:

  • as a box,
  • as a straight line
  • or as a circle.

The visual mapping of time may be different across individuals.




Data Visualisation - Histogram (Frequency distribution)

  • Request Time Histogram Diagram
# Transform the text as a POSIXct type
end_ts_time=as.POSIXct(res_succes$END_TS, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="UTC")
# Show it (User name is the thread name)
ggplotly(ggplot(res_succes, aes(x=end_ts_time, fill=factor(res_succes$USER_NAME)) ) 
         + geom_histogram() # by default the value is stacked by fill (position="stack")
         + scale_x_datetime()
         + labs(title="Request Frequency Diagram", fill="Threads", x="Request End Time", y="Request Count"))

Ggplot Request Time Frequency

  • Request Time Frequency Diagram
end_ts_time=as.POSIXct(res_succes$END_TS, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="UTC")
ggplotly(ggplot(res_succes, aes(x=end_ts_time, color=factor(res_succes$USER_NAME)) ) 
         + geom_freqpoly(binwidth = 30)
         + scale_x_datetime()
         + labs(title="Request Frequency Diagram", color="Threads", x="Request End Time", y="Request Count"))

Ggplot Request Frequency Diagram


Application Name Technology Store
Cubism D3 - Javascript written by Mike Bostock showing horizon charts Only Viz
Grafana Only Viz
Graphite Store and Viz
Rickshaw Time Serie Built on d3.js Only Viz (Demo) Time Serie specialized Used by Netdata Demo

See also:

Documentation / Reference