Table of Contents



DLNA is not an easy to understand fully, since each device marked as “DLNA-compliant” can support one or more of the 4 available “DLNA-classes”, which are:

  • DMP (Digital media Player).

Example: PS3 console. The PS3 can connect directly to a media server (DMS) and lay the selected media file (example: MP3 file or a video file) just on “itself” (actually: to the TV device to whch the PS3 is connected via video cable). This is the so-called “2-box pull model”.

  • DMR (Digital Media Renderer).

The difference with DMP is that a DMR can be “controlled” by a DMC, while a simple DMP device can not. Hence, DMR can play media files which are sent to him by a DMC (Controller). In the case of PS3 console, this is not possible, hence the PS3 is not a DMR. This is the so-called “2-box push model”. Please note that DMR is not necessary a physical device. It can be just a service included inside a device like photocamera or videocamera.

  • DMC (Controller).

The concept is like a remote controller of your TV. With a device which is DMC compliant, you can send a media files stored on a DMS (server, see below) to a DMR-class compliant device. Example: if you have an IPhone, you can use the app called “Plug Player” which acts as a DMC.

  • DMS (DLNA-Server)

Finally, this is the DLNA-Server. It's the physical device where your media files are stored inside. You can access to it by using a simple DMP like PS3 console (“2-box pull model”) or you can access to it by using a DMC, and then play the selected media files into a DMR-compliant device. For example, if a NAS device is DLNA certified, by using a DMR device like IPhone's Plug Player you cand “push” the content to your TV (provided that your TV is a DMR, off course).

Why Windows 7 matters

Windows Media Player 11 works as DLNA server software to control the streaming of content from your hard drive and the web around your house. Windows 7’s DLNA support makes it easy to find and share music and video collections between other computers in your home too.

As well as using other devices to grab media from your Windows 7 PC, Microsoft also includes a feature called Play To, which lets you sit at the PC, and send music to other devices without even touching them.

It’s more advanced than standard DLNA, but uses the same technology and means you can play albums on your office computer through the stereo in your living room or to the DLNA certified radio in your kitchen. Think of it as a true multi-room sound system, letting you send music to every room in the house, wirelessly. Perfect for a party, or listening to music as you get on with household chores!

You can even access your media further afield with Windows 7’s support for streaming over the web. Using your Windows Live ID, you can securely access your home computer to get at music, films or photos. It’s all possible through DLNA technology, so keep your eyes peeled for the DLNA seal of approval.

Documentation / Reference