Table of Contents


The xhtml renderer.

If you want to add content without adding a tag in your page, you need to create your own render engine.


You need to have basic knowledge of the dokuwiki parser


Plugin Name: myrender


  • Create a render plugin with the Wizard plugin
  • Example of a plugin info file (in lib/plugins/myrender/)
base   myrender
author Nicolas GERARD
email  gerardnico's mail
date   2015-04-02
name   Render Plugin of
desc   Render plugin that add generated content after the first section of the second level of headings

The name of your class must be renderer_plugin_“Name of my Render Plugin”, renderer_plugin_“Value of base in plugin info file” (ie renderer_plugin_myrender)

  • Add the canRender() method to the render class in order to list the plugin in the options for config%3Arenderer_xhtml setting in its Configuration Manager.
public function canRender($format) {
    return ($format=='xhtml');
  • Add the getFormat function
function getFormat() {
        return 'xhtml';

Dokuwiki Render Xhtml Configuration



if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.');

require_once DOKU_INC.'inc/parser/xhtml.php';

 * DokuWiki Plugin nicorender (Renderer Component)
 * The Nico XHTML Renderer
 * @license GPL 2
 * @author  Nicolas GERARD <gerardnico at the>
 * This is a replacement render of the DokuWiki's main renderer
 * That format the content that's output the tpl_content function.
class  renderer_plugin_nicorender extends Doku_Renderer_xhtml

    function getFormat() {
        return 'xhtml';

     * Function that enable to list the plugin in the options for config:renderer_xhtml
     * setting in its Configuration Manager.
    public function canRender($format)
        return ($format == 'xhtml');

     * Modify the render of an heading
     * @param string $text the text to display
     * @param int $level header level
     * @param int $pos byte position in the original source
    function header($text, $level, $pos)
        // Add the level and position information
        $this->doc .= '<p>Header Level: ' . $level . ', Position ' . $pos. '</p>';

        // Call the parent function (ie xhtml.php:header)
        parent::header($text, $level, $pos);



Documentation / Reference