Table of Contents


To install J2EE, you must download it.

Java EE 6 SDK Update 3: A free integrated development kit used to build, test, and deploy Java EE 6 applications.


  • GlassFish Open Source Edition 3.1.1
  • Java EE 6 Code Samples
  • Java EE 6 API Documentation
  • Java EE 6 Tutorial
  • Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Java EE Platform


  • Installation Type: Custom

Glassfish Installation

  • Configuration: create a server domain
  • Domain Info:

Glassfish Domaine Info

  • Config Results:

Executing command :

f:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat --user admin --passwordfile - create-domain --savelogin --checkports=false
--adminport 4848 --instanceport 8080
--domainproperties=jms.port=7676:domain.jmxPort=8686:orb.listener.port=3700:http.ssl.port=8181:orb.ssl.port=3820:orb.mutualauth.port=3920 gerardnico_domain

Using port 4848 for Admin.
Using port 8080 for HTTP Instance.
Using port 7676 for JMS.
Using port 3700 for IIOP.
Using port 8181 for HTTP_SSL.
Using port 3820 for IIOP_SSL.
Using port 3920 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH.
Using port 8686 for JMX_ADMIN.
Using default port 6666 for OSGI_SHELL.
Using default port 9009 for JAVA_DEBUGGER.

Distinguished Name of the self-signed X.509 Server Certificate is:
[CN=HI-LAP-NGG,OU=GlassFish,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Santa Clara,ST=California,C=US]
Distinguished Name of the self-signed X.509 Server Certificate is:
[CN=HI-LAP-NGG-instance,OU=GlassFish,O=Oracle Corporation,L=Santa Clara,ST=California,C=US]
No domain initializers found, bypassing customization step
Domain gerardnico_domain created.
Domain gerardnico_domain admin port is 4848.
Domain gerardnico_domain admin user is "admin".
Login information relevant to admin user name [admin]
for this domain [gerardnico_domain] stored at
[C:\Users\gerard\.asadminpass] successfully.
Make sure that this file remains protected.
Information stored in this file will be used by
asadmin commands to manage this domain.
Command create-domain executed successfully.

Executing command :f:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat create-service --name glassfish_gerardnico_domain gerardnico_domain

The Windows Service was created successfully.  It is ready to be started.  Here are the details:
ID of the service: glassfish_gerardnico_domain
Display Name of the service:gerardnico_domain GlassFish Server
Server Directory: F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain
Configuration file for Windows Services Wrapper: F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.xml
The service can be controlled using the Windows Services Manager or you can use the
Windows Services Wrapper instead:
Start Command:  F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  start
Stop Command:   F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  stop
Restart Command:  F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  restart
Uninstall Command:  F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  uninstall
Install Command:  F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  install
Status Command: F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe status
You can also verify that the service is installed (or not) with sc query state= all the Windows Service and successfully uninstalled it.

For your convenience this message has also been saved to this file: F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\PlatformServices.log
Command create-service executed successfully.

Executing command :f:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat start-domain gerardnico_domain

f:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat start-domain gerardnico_domain
Attempting to start gerardnico_domain.... Please look at the server log for more details.....

  • Summary
Overall Status: Complete

Please see the detailed summary report for an overview of this session, including next steps for using this installation.
Please see the log file for detailed information.


Product Name                Status
Update Tool Bootstrap       Installed
GlassFish V3                Installed
Uninstallation Software     Installed
Update Tool Bootstrap       Configured
GlassFish V3                Configured


Windows Menu

Glassfish Windows Menu

  • Start Application Server:
glassfish_home\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat start-domain gerardnico_domain
  • Stop Application Server:
glassfish_home\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat stop-domain gerardnico_domain
  • Start Update Tool
  • Uninstall
glassfish_home\uninstall.exe -j "f:\glassfish3\jdk7"



Directory Documenation Notation Value
glassfish_home as-install glassfish3/glassfish
glassfish_domain domain-dir glassfish_home/domains/domain_name
Configuration files glassfish_domain/config
Log files domain-dir/logs


Port Use
4848 Admin
8080 HTTP Instance
8686 Pure JMX clients (JMX_ADMIN)
7676 Message Queue (JMS)
3700 IIOP
3920 IIOP/SSL port with mutual authentication (IIOP_MUTUALAUTH)


Item Default Value
Domain name domain1
Master password changeit
asadmin(1M) command-line utility glassfish_home/bin

Windows Services

The service can be controlled using the Windows Services Manager or you can use the Windows Services Wrapper instead:

Start Command:  F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  start
Stop Command:   F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  stop
Restart Command:  F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  restart
Uninstall Command:  F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  uninstall
Install Command:  F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe  install
Status Command: F:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\gerardnico_domain\bin\gerardnico_domainService.exe status

Glassfish Windows Service

Update Tool

Glassfish Update Tool

Using the Server Log

One way to debug applications is to look at the server log in domain-dir/logs/server.log. The log contains output from the GlassFish Server and your applications.

You can log messages from any Java class in your application with:

If you start the GlassFish Server with the –verbose flag, all logging and debugging output will appear on the terminal window or command prompt and the server log.

If you start the GlassFish Server in the background, debugging information is available only in the log. You can view the server log with a text editor or with the Administration Console log viewer.


The Java EE 6 Tutorial is available through the update tool.

20:52:41: Downloading: javaee-tutorial
20:56:14: Download completed
20:56:14: Executing install plan
20:56:14: Executing actions:
20:56:14:      Removal Phase: 702 action(s)
20:56:14:      Install Phase: 1334 action(s)
20:56:18:      Update Phase: 354 action(s)
20:56:20: Installation successful

Glassfish Update Tool

and is located in this directory:


It provides a beginner's guide to developing enterprise applications for GlassFish Server. The tutorial includes working examples and instructions for creating applications with Java EE 6 technologies, including Java Servlets, JavaServer Faces, Facelets, RESTful Web Services, Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Persistence API, Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform, and more.

Documentation / Reference

  • More tutorial: Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Java EE Platform: Provides a short tutorial for beginning Java EE programmers that shows how to develop a simple enterprise application from scratch. The sample application consists of four main components: a JAX-RS RESTful web service, an enterprise bean, a Java Persistence API entity, and a web application created with JavaServer Faces Facelets technology.