OBIEE - SASchInvoke (command line Triggering of Oracle BI Scheduler Jobs)

Obi Edition


Third-Party Triggering of Oracle BI Scheduler Jobs


saschinvoke -u userName -j jobId
# or
cat pwdfile | saschinvoke -u userName -j jobId


          Oracle BI SASchInvoke
          Copyright (c) 1997-2014 Oracle Corporation, All rights reserved

SASchInvoke Error: Syntax error, missing arguments
Usage:   SASchInvoke.exe -u <Admin Name>
                        (-j <job id> | -i <Agent path>)
                        ([-m <machine name>[:<port>]]
                        | -p <primaryCCS>[:<port>] -s <secondaryCCS>[:<port>])
                        ([(-r <replace parameter filename>
                            |-a <append parameter filename>)]
                         | [-x <re-run instance id>])
                         [-c <SSL certificate filename>
                          -k <SSL certificate private key filename>]
                         [-w <SSL passphrase>|-q <passphrase_file>|-y]
                         [-h <SSL cipher list>]
                          [-e <SSL verification depth>]
                          -d <CA certificate directory> | -f <CA certificate file>
                          [-t <SSL trusted peer CNs>]

      -a  File containing additional parameters.
      -c  File containing SSL certificate.
      -d  Certificate authority directory.
      -e  SSL certificate verification depth.
      -f  Certificate authority file.
      -h  SSL cipher list
      -i  Agent path
      -j  Job id
      -k  SSL certificate private key filename
      -l  Use SSL
      -m  Machine name:port of scheduler.  Provides direct access to scheduler.
      -p  Primary cluster controller name:port.  Provides access to clustered scheduler.
      -q  File containing SSL passphrase protecting SSL private key (see -k).
      -r  File containing replacement parameters.
      -s  Secondary cluster controller name:port.  Provides access to clustered scheduler.
      -t  Distinguished names of trusted peers
      -u  Username.
      -v  Verify peer.
      -w  SSL passphrase protecting SSL private key (see -k).
      -x  Rerun instance id.
      -y  Interactively prompt for SSL passphrase protecting SSL private key (see -k).

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