achromatic colors are colors without hue:
- and all colors on the grayscale
They does not come from the visible light spectrum.
They shows:
- the totale absence of light reflection (black)
- or the highly reflecting/transmitting characteristic of the object surface of all colors (white).
- or a mix of (gray)
From Hue to Achromatic Color
To create an achromatic color from a hue color, you mix at equal quantity:
- two opponent color
- …
They cancel each other and create a grayscale color.
Example: A greyscale of 4 colors, with the Rgb colorspace:
- when the channels are equal, the function gives a grayscale color.
- the higher the percentage, the higher the lightness
<div id="swatches">
<div style="background-color:rgb(10%,10%,10%)"> </div>
<div style="background-color:rgb(80%, 80%, 80%)"> </div>
<div style="background-color:rgb(95%, 95%, 95%)"> </div>