Colors are represented in a coordinate cartésien model known as a colorspace.
Each colorspace has between 3 and 4 coordinates that are known as color channel (ie color property)
A human colorspace will use this three color appearance parameters:
- Hue: The rainbow colour in the in the visual spectrum.
- Saturation ( Chroma / Intensity): The purity of hue, dullness, temperature (Power), warmth, coolness of hue
- Value: The lightness (Brightness) from light to dark of hue
opacity (alpha, transparency) is more a characteristic of the area.
A physical colorspace will use:
- Primary colors as axes
- and a quantity ratio as value
They are based on the fact that you can add or substract them to create other color (secondary, tertiary)
- RGB: A monitor targeted colorspace. Primary colors (red, green, blue)
- RYB. Primary colors (red, yellow, blue)
- CMYK. Primary colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black)