cyan is:
- a hue color (chromatic)
- a pure color without additive.
- one of the percepted human colors.
- is used as primary color:
- coordinate in a colorspace (for instance the cmyk colorspace)
- in a cymk wheel
- located at 500 nm on the visual spectrum
- below green in the visual spectrum
- above blue in the visual spectrum
- located at 240 degree in the subtractive wheel (cymk)
- a minus color (subtractive color)
- used mostly in a subtractive color model - ie with pigment (painting, printing, inking) and not with light (screen, monitor,…)
- is a cool color
The complementary color of cyan is:
- in a additive model: red
- in a subtractive model: Tangelo
In a additive model, cyan is obtained by adding green to blue
- #00FFFF
- 0,255,255
- Name: cyan