Cyan Color

Monet Femme Ombrelle 1886 Logo


cyan is:

The complementary color of cyan is:

In a additive model, cyan is obtained by adding green to blue

Cyan Color Wheel




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Subtractive Color Wheel
Color - (Wheel|Circle|Disc|Star) (Hue Organization)

After Newton had used a prism to separate daylight and count seven individual colors (hue), it appeared to him that this was a closed system. By taking the violet end of the spectrum and linking it to...
Color Blue
Color - Blue

blue is: a hue color (chromatic) a pure color (without additive) one of the percepted human colors. is used as primary color: coordinate in a colorspace (for instance the rgb colorspace) in...
Monet Femme Ombrelle 1886 Logo
Color - CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Color Model)

Colors can be created in printing with color spaces based on the CMYK color model, using the subtractive primary colors of pigment: cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). To...
Green Color Wheel
Color - Green

green is: a hue color (chromatic) a pure color (without additive) one of the percepted human colors. is used as primary color: coordinate in a colorspace (for instance the rgb colorspace) ...
Monet Femme Ombrelle 1886 Logo
Color - Name

The name of a color is known as the hue.
Color Wheel Hierarchy
Color - Primary Color

Primary colors are the pure hue used in a colorspace to create other colors called secondary, tertiary, ... by mixing. They: cannot be obtained by mixture of other colors. can be combined to make...
Color Red
Color - Red

red is: a hue color (chromatic) a pure color without additive. one of the percepted human colors. is used as primary color: coordinate in a colorspace (for instance the rgb colorspace) in...
Monet Femme Ombrelle 1886 Logo
Color - Visual Spectrum (Light / Rainbow)

A hue color is a wave length of light that the human can see except for magenta (that is not a color of the visual spectrum) Colour Wavelength (nm) Frequency (1014 Hz) Energy (eV) red (limit) ...
Subtractive Color Wheel
Colors - (Complementary|Opponent) Colors

Colours directly opposite to each other in a colour wheel and appears opposite in character are called complementary colours. They cancel each other out, lose hue and produces a achromatic color (grayscale...

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