Relation - Database Benchmark
Type of TPC benchmarks model:
- the operational aspect of the business environment where transactions are executed on a real time basis.
- the simpler, more static model of decision support.
editing the SQL is not allowed
TPC-DS does not benchmark the operational systems.
The TPC-DS benchmark, models the challenges of business intelligence systems where operational data is used both:
- to support the making of business decisions in near real time
- and to direct long-range planning and exploration.
Big data - TPC-DS is well-known in the industry as the right benchmark for data warehousing workloads because it uses larger tables and more complex queries representative of real analytics use cases. TPC-DS consisting of 99 queries.
TPC - TPC-H Decision Support Benchmark Sample Schema: Measures performance against 22 different queries and is typically used to evaluate data warehouses and other decision support systems.
Single node
- Hive Testbench from Hortonworks is a tcpds and tpch benchmark adapted for Hive
Software for execution, installation and more. (Code)