Table of Contents


The history server REST API's allow the user to get status on finished job.

It was known as:

It supports only MapReduce job as seen in the API.

For Spark, see Spark - History Server


Port default to 19888

Rest API

Example: http://historyServerName:port/ws/v1/history/info

2.7.0-mapr-1707 from f4fe612bcdb0bac9065751ed360a89e4874dd967 by root source checksum c2ec0edf2eb7bb86ec45d03158b3ed


Jobhistory Ui



Map Reduce Job History Server can be configured with the env variable: HADOOP_JOB_HISTORYSERVER_OPTS


  • Start
${HADOOP_PREFIX}/sbin/ --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR start historyserver
  • Stop
${HADOOP_PREFIX}/sbin/ --config $HADOOP_CONF_DIR stop historyserver

Property List

  • yarn.log-aggregation.retain-seconds Default: -1, How long to keep aggregation logs before deleting them. -1 disables. Be careful, set this too small and you will spam the name node.
  • yarn.log-aggregation.retain-check-interval-seconds. Default: -1, Time between checks for aggregated log retention. If set to 0 or a negative value then the value is computed as one-tenth of the aggregated log retention time. Be careful, set this too small and you will spam the name node.

Documentation / Reference