Table of Contents

Oracle Database - SQL - Analytic Functions


Analytic functions in the Oracle Database Context


function() over (partition by mycolumns order by mycolumns)

An analytic function takes place after that the original data set is retrieved.

The clause

defines how the function is calculated (aggregated for an aggregate function). For a sum for instance, the following statement:
SUM(MyColumn) over (partition by Year)

will do a sum by year (partition = group by).

If the PARTITION BY clause is absent, then the function is computed over the whole query result set.


List of analytic functions

Analytics and Aggregate function

On the HR sample schema.

SELECT j.job_title, COUNT(*),
 MAX(salary) maxsalary,
 MIN(salary) minsalary,
 SUM(SUM(salary) over (), -- Grand Total Sum
 RANK() OVER(ORDER BY MAX(salary)) rankorder
FROM employees e, jobs j 
  e.job_id = j.job_id
 GROUP BY j.job_title
 ORDER BY rankorder;