Table of Contents

Installation of the Workflow Server 10g/11g


The installation process of the server workflow is the same for the 10g of 11g database.



To enable integration with Oracle Workflow:

If you installed Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g on Oracle Database 10g Release 2, separately download the software for Oracle Workflow 2.6.4 and return to this article Installation of Oracle Workflow 2.6.4 for Oracle Database 10gR2

Note that if you use multiple Oracle databases, you must unset the environment variables related to Oracle, such as ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_PORT, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Workflow Configuration Assistant (WFCA)


To install the repository, start the Workflow Configuration Assistant (WFCA).

From the windows menu : Start/Oracle - OraDb10g_Home1/Configuration and Migration Tools/Worklow Configuration Assistant

Workflow Configuration Assistant

C:\>cd C:\app\Administrator\product\11.1.0\db_1\owb\wf\install


Owf Configuration Assistant

The Oracle Database - Connect Descriptor (TNS Connect String) must be on 1 line.

The configuration process can take several minutes. When the process is complete, the Workflow Configuration Assistant displays a message of completion.

In Dutch :

Workflow Configuration Success


The logs are in this directory :
