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Perform strength-training exercises to work all the major muscle groups: abdomen, thighs, glutes, back, shoulders, chest and arms.

Exercises such as lunges, squats, pushups and planks work several large muscle groups at one time.

Perform strength-training exercises using a resistance that causes your muscles to fatigue before you complete 12 repetitions.

Want to live longer and better? Strength train

Strength training encompasses any of the following:

  • Free weights, such as barbells and dumbbells
  • Ankle cuffs and vests containing different amounts of weight
  • Resistance (elastic) bands of varying length and tension that you flex using your arms and legs
  • Exercises that use your body weight to create resistance against gravity.

Mild to moderate muscle soreness between workouts is normal, but back off if it persists more than à few days.

How much do you need?

A beginner’s strength-building workout takes as little as 20 minutes, and you won’t need to grunt, strain, or sweat like a cartoon bodybuilder. The key is developing a well-rounded program, performing the exercises with good form, and being consistent. You will experience noticeable gains in strength within four to eight weeks.

Core Stability

Pear Core

It all about quality not quantity!

To move and / or work properly is a strong, stable hull necessary. Therefore, pay close attention to core stability exercises.

  • Quick Crunch
  • Pelvic Tilt
  • Broom Twists
  • Plank
  • Arms Extended Crunch
  • Leg Raises
  • Oblique Crunch
  • Butterfly
  • Upwards Butterfly
  • Cross Bicycles
  • Double Crunch
  • Heels to Heaven
  • Mason Twist


The trunk muscles include the buttocks, hip muscles, hamstrings, abdominals and back muscles De rompspieren bestaan uit de bilspieren, heupspieren, hamstrings, buikspieren en rugspieren.

weak abdominal muscles lead to back pain (A study no correlation between sit-up performance and backache. (Fast et al., 1990))

Door consequent oefeningen te doen waarmee je de controle en balansbeheersing over je rug, bekken, heup, knie, buik en billen traint, ben je minder vatbaar voor blessures