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Data Concurrency - Promise in the Javascript context

A promise is a function that encapsulate a executor function in order to:

A promise is one way of enabling asynchrony in Javascript.

ajax function returns generally a promise.



The promise mechanism has two syntax:


The creation of a promise starts immediately an encapsulated function called the executor asynchronously (ie started in other thread)


promise = new Promise( executor(resolve, reject) ) )
promise = async executor


The executor function is the function started at the creation of the promise.



A promise may be in three state:

  • pending - this is the start state (ie when the final value is not available yet)
  • then:
    • resolved (ie fulfilled) - via the resolve function that associate a value to the promise.
    • or rejected via the reject function or when an error prevented the final value from being determined.

Little demo to see the state (this demo must be run in the devtool via F12)

// Promise already resolved to go quick
var resolvedPromisesArray = [Promise.resolve(1), Promise.resolve(2)];

// Try to resolve them again
var p = Promise.all(resolvedPromisesArray);
// immediately logging the value of p should show a pending state

// using setTimeout we can execute code later
setTimeout(function() {
    console.log(p); // should show a pending resolved

Javascript Es Promise State


Resolve is a in the context of a promise means that the execution of the executor function has ended without error and has returned a value.

It's also the name of the function that is:

Example and Snippet of the executor

executor(resolve, reject) => {
  if (allGood) {
     resolve(someValue); // The promise is resvoled (ie fulfilled) - The value may be of any type, including undefined.
  } else {
     reject("failure reason"); // rejected - The value may be any type, including undefined, though it is generally an Error object, like in exception handling.


Once the executor function has been executed (fulfilled), you can retrieve either:

  • a value
  • or an error

Get the value

Get the error

Lifecycle Example

with the async/await syntax

fn = async function (i) {
    console.log("Promise "+i+" was started");
    return i+1;

(async () => {
  promises = []
  console.log("Creation of the promises");
  for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  console.log(" ");
  console.log("We got back promises object");
  for (var i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) {
  console.log(" ");
  console.log("We unwrap the promise and get the result");
  for (var i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) {
    console.log(await promises[i]);
  console.log(" ");


Documentation / Reference