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tooltip in Bootstrap are modal that:

  • opens when the mouse hovers over an element
  • and closes when it leave it.

By default, the tooltip will close as soon as the mouse is leaving the element, this snippet will close the tooltip if:

  • the mouse is not over the element and the tooltip.

This snippet has been developed in native_javascript and jquery.


Native Javascript

The same example but in pure javascript

  • The tooltip where the data-bs-trigger is set to manual meaning that the code will manage when the tooltip is visible.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-trigger="manual" data-bs-html="true" title="<h3>Tooltip</h3> <p>This tooltip will not close if you hover over the button or this tooltip</p>">
Button with a tooltip persistent on tooltip hover
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
	// A variable to see if the mouse is over the target element
	let hoverTargetElement = false;
	// The jobId that is returned from the setIntervall
	let jobId = null;
                    .forEach(el => {
                        let tooltip = new bootstrap.Tooltip(el);
                            hoverTargetElement = true;
                            hoverTargetElement = false;
                            if (jobId === null) {
                                jobId = setInterval(function () {
                                    if (document.querySelectorAll(".tooltip:hover").length === 0 && hoverTargetElement === false) {
                                        jobId = null;
                                }, 100);


  • The tooltip where the data-bs-trigger is set to manual meaning that the code will manage when the tooltip is visible.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-trigger="manual" data-bs-html="true" title="<h3>Tooltip</h3> <p>This tooltip will not close if you hover over the button or this tooltip</p>">
Button with a tooltip persistent on tooltip hover
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
	// A variable to see if the mouse is over the target element
	let hoverTargetElement = false;
	// The jobId that is returned from the setIntervall
	let jobId = null;
		.on("mouseenter", function () {
			hoverTargetElement = true;
		.on("mouseleave", function () {
			// the mouse is no more hover the target element (ie the button)
			hoverTargetElement = false;
			// if the jobId is not null, there is a job running
			if (jobId == null) {
				// keep a pointer to the target element used in the job function
				let _this = this;
				// Create the job function that will run ever 100 ms.
				jobId = setInterval(function () {
					if ($(".tooltip:hover").length === 0 && hoverTargetElement === false) {
						jobId = null;
				}, 100);

Documentation / Reference