Creating a DB2/400 Data Server

A DB2/400 Data Server corresponds to one DB2 Database installed on an AS/400 system, connected with a specific user account. This user will have access to libraries in this system that corresponding to Oracle Data Integrator's Physical Schemas created under the data server.


JDBC Driver

It is preferable to use a Type 4 JDBC Driver for DB2/400. Two drivers are recommended : The IBM JT/400, or the HiT JDBC/400 Driver. These drivers directly use the TCP/IP network layer and require no other components installed on the client machine.

It is also possible to connect through ODBC with the IBM Client Access component installed on the machine. This method does not have very good performance and does not support the reverse engineering and some other features. It is therefore not recommended.

IBM JT/400 and Native Drivers

This driver appears as a file you must copy into your Oracle Data Integrator installation directory's /drivers sub-directory. Oracle Data Integrator installs a default version of this driver, which is tested and validated with Oracle Data Integrator. This driver is free of charge.

To connect DB2/400 with a Java application installed on the AS/400 machine, IBM recommends that you use the JT/400 Native driver (jt400native.jar) instead of the JT/400 driver (jt400.jar). The Native driver provides optimized access to the AS/400, but works only from the AS/400.

To support seamlessly both drivers with one connection, Oracle Data Integrator provides the Oracle Data Integrator Driver Wrapper for AS/400. This wrapper connects through the Native driver if possible, otherwise it uses the JT/400 driver. It is recommended that you use this wrapper if running agents installed on AS/400 systems.

To install and configure the driver wrapper:

  1. Check that the snpsdb2.jar file (The wrapper package) is installed as a driver for all machines. See Installing JDBC / JMS drivers for more information.

  2. In Topology Manager, change the driver and URL to your AS/400 server with the following information:

  3. For the Oracle Data Integrator installations on AS/400 systems, set the following java properties in the agent startup command, then restart the agent:

To set properties for an agent started with the JAVA CL command, you can take example from the following syntax example.

JAVA CLASS('oracle.odi.Agent') +

PARM(''  ... '-PORT=20910')  +


... +


Note that the snpsdb2.jar (driver wrapper) and jt400native.jar (Native Driver) files are in the classpath, and we have specified the properties in the last line.

If starting the agent using the UNIX shell script, just edit the as below:


For all driver parameters, refer to JDBC Drivers Samples.

HiT JDBC/400

This driver is similar to the JT/400 driver. It is licensed separately from Oracle Data Integrator. For more information, see

Connection Informations

You must ask the system administrator the following information:

Creation of the Data Server

To create a DB2/400 Data Server:

  1. Connect to Topology Manager

  2. Select Topology > Physical Architecture > Technologies > IBM DB2/400 in the tree.

  3. Right click and select Insert Data Server

  4. Fill in the following fields in the Definition tab:

  5. Fill in the following fields in the JDBC tab, according to the driver used:

If using IBM JT/400 Driver

If using HiT JDBC/400 Driver

  1. Click Test.

  2. Click Test in the Test Connection windows.

  3. A window indicating a Successful Connection appears. Click OK. If the connection is not successful, please refer to Common Errors with DB2/400.

  4. Click OK to validate the creation of the data server

The creation window for the first Physical Schema for this data server appears.
See Creating a DB2/400 Physical Schema