Table of Contents


Note about the Aws project Build a Modern Web Application


git clone -b python
cd aws-modern-application-workshop
:: Taking the python code
git checkout python

Create the bucket

aws s3 mb s3://web-app-modern

Create a static web hosting with cloudfront

Create a static web hosting with cloudfront from this bucket

  • set the index document
aws s3 website s3://web-app-modern --index-document index.html
  • create an origin access identity and save the id
aws cloudfront create-cloud-front-origin-access-identity --cloud-front-origin-access-identity-config CallerReference=Mysfits,Comment=Mysfits
aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket web-app-modern --policy file://module-1/aws-cli/website-bucket-policy.json
aws cloudfront create-distribution --distribution-config file://module-1/aws-cli/website-cloudfront-distribution.json
aws s3 cp module-1/web/index.html s3://web-app-modern/index.html

Aws Moder App Mysfits Home Page

Create the API

Module Two

Build the container

  • Docker build that packages a Python flask web app
cd module-2\app
docker build . -t
  • Run it to test
docker run -p 8080:8080 REPLACE_ME_WITH_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG

Push the Docker Image to Amazon ECR

  • Creates a new repository in the default AWS ECR registry of the Aws account.
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name mythicalmysfits/service
  • authentication credentials for the Docker client (in order to push container images into the new repository)
aws ecr get-login --no-include-email
:: execute the output
# in bash
$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email)
  • push the image you created to the ECR repository
  • list the images
aws ecr describe-images --repository-name mythicalmysfits/service

Create a cluster

aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name MythicalMysfits-Cluster

Create a log group

  • Create a new log group in AWS CloudWatch Logs for the container logs to be pushed to. This is especially important when using AWS Fargate since you will not have access to the server infrastructure where your containers are running.
aws logs create-log-group --log-group-name mythicalmysfits-logs

Register an ECS Task Definition

Register an ECS task definition. Example: Aws - Elastic Container Service (Ecs)

aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://module-2/aws-cli/task-definition.json

Load balancer

Create a Network Load Balancer
aws elbv2 create-load-balancer ^
  --name mysfits-nlb ^
  --scheme internet-facing ^
  --type network ^
> %HOME%/environment/nlb-output.json

Keep the output to extract:

  • the DNSName,
  • VpcId,
  • and LoadBalancerArn
Create a Load Balancer Target Group

Create an NLB target group. You get back a TargetGroupArn.

aws elbv2 create-target-group ^
   --name MythicalMysfits-TargetGroup ^
   --port 8080 ^
   --protocol TCP ^
   --target-type ip ^
   --vpc-id REPLACE_ME_VPC_ID ^
   --health-check-interval-seconds 10 ^
   --health-check-path / ^
   --health-check-protocol HTTP ^
   --healthy-threshold-count 3 ^
   --unhealthy-threshold-count 3 ^
> %HOME%/environment/target-group-output.json
Create A Load Balancer Listener

Create a load balancer listener for the network load balancer

A load balancer listener configure the forwarding of requests received on a specific port to targets that have registered to the target group.

aws elbv2 create-listener ^
  --default-actions TargetGroupArn=REPLACE_ME_NLB_TARGET_GROUP_ARN,Type=forward ^
  --load-balancer-arn REPLACE_ME_NLB_ARN ^
  --port 80 ^
  --protocol TCP

Create a service with Fargate


aws ecs create-service --cli-input-json file://module-2/aws-cli/service-definition.json
  • Test the service with the DNS Name of the load balancer. (This Network Load Balancer only supports HTTP ) Example

Capture User Behavior

Aws - Click Event Rest API (Capture user behavior)

Documentation / Reference