Table of Contents


Oracle R Enterprise is a component of Oracle Advanced Analytics that enables R processing on Oracle Database servers.


Enhanced Model Scoring

The new package OREpredict enables in-database scoring of R-generated models.

Supported models:

Oracle Data Mining Support

The new package OREdm provides an R interface for in-database Oracle Data Mining predictive analytics and data mining algorithms.

Supported models include:

R Script to R database function

“embedded R execution” characterizes the storing of R scripts in Oracle Database – using the ORE R script repository – and invoking that script in one or more database-side R engines.

R scripts can be deploy as an R function to the database where it can be invoke either from R or SQL.

Executing R scripts from SQL enables integration of R script results within SQL Data Access Tools (such as OBIEE, Oracle BI Publisher, …)


The function f refers to the user-defined R code, or script, that is provided as either an R function object or a named R function in the database R script repository.

R API SQL API Description
ore.doEval rqEval To create functions in the R script repository. Executes f with no automatic transfer of data (ie do not automatically receive any data from the database).
ore.tableApply rqTableEval Executes f passing all rows of provided input ore.frame as the first parameter of f. First parameter provided as a data.frame.
ore.groupApply “rqGroupEval” (must be explicitly defined as function by user) Executes f by partitioning data according to an “index” column’s values. Each data partition provided as a data.frame in the first parameter of f. Supports parallel execution of each f invocation in pool of database server-side R engines.
ore.rowApply rqRowEval Executes f passing a specified number of rows (a “chuck”) of the provided input ore.frame. Each chunk provided as a data.frame in the first parameter of f. Supports parallel execution of each f invocation in pool of database server-side R engines.
ore.indexApply N/A Executes f with no automatic transfer of data, but provides the index of the invocation, 1 through n, where n is the number of functions to invoke. Supports parallel execution of each f invocation in pool of database server-side R engines.
ore.scriptCreate sys.rqScriptCreate Load the provided R function into the R script repository with the provided name.
ore.scriptDrop sys.rqScriptDrop Remove the named R function from the R script repository.

Documentation / Reference