Table of Contents


The storage and retrieval of application’s current and historic information


  • timeline store

known as:

  • ApplicationHistoryServer

Previously this was supported purely for MapReduce jobs by the Map Reduce History Server. With the introduction of the timeline server, the Application History Server becomes just one use of the Timeline Server.

You may also want to see the resource manager Rest API that has also a lot of similar information

Generic Historic Data

Generic information includes application level data such as

  • user information and the like set in the ApplicationSubmissionContext,
  • a list of application-attempts that ran for an application
  • information about each application-attempt
  • the list of containers run under each application-attempt
  • information about each container.

Example: A call to the Yarn History Server is made with the yarn cli command

yarn application -status <Application ID>
yarn applicationattempt -list <Application ID>
yarn applicationattempt -status <Application Attempt ID>
yarn container -list <Application Attempt ID>
yarn container -status <Container ID>



  • as admin
yarn historyserver
# or
yarn timelineserver
  • To start the Timeline server / history service as a daemon start historyserver
# or
$HADOOP_YARN_HOME/sbin/ start timelineserver


Service Nodes Port Protocol Description
Timeline address Head nodes 10200 RPC The Timeline service RPC service.
Timeline web UI Head nodes 8181 HTTP The Timeline service web UI


http(s)://<timeline server http(s) address:port>/applicationhistory

Rest API

v1 doc

GET /ws/v1/timeline/


Documentation / Reference