Table of Contents

What is ACME? Automatic Certificate Management Environment


ACME 1) is a protocol that automates the issuance of domain validated certificate by a certification authority (CA) to an applicant.

ACME is simple (It has almost been implemented in pure Bourne shell).


ACME challenges 2) are intended to verify your ownership of a domain.

There are mainly three (excluding preauthorization) where you need to set a token.

Challenge Description Secure
tls-http-01 3) Token under /.well-known/acme-challenge and serve it on 80/tcp
tls-dns-01 4) Token to put in a TXT record in the DNS zone
tns-sni-01 Token to embed in the SAN of a certificate you serve to TLS clients who request it through TLS SNI No, due to shared hosting 5)
tls-alpn-01 Custom ALPN protocol via TLS on port 443 (mostly used by proxy and only for individual hostnames) Yes


TLS-ALPN-01 is a custom standard Rfc 8737 that replaces the TLS-SNI challenge.

It's used by proxy to issue certificate for their users (ie CDN such as or Cloudflare)

It's performed via TLS on port 443 and a custom ALPN protocol, only for individual hostnames.


ACME / Let's encrypt client:


To issue fake test certificates instead of real ones from Let's Encrypt's, see the staging environment