A keypair is a pair of keys:
- a public key: Used for encryption or signature verification;
- and a private one: The decryption key which is kept secret decrypt and sign.
They are a component of the public key scheme.
For some software such as portcle, a keypair is:
- and its certificate
Because the public key is generated from the private key
Note that a public key can be regenerated from the private key. A keypair is mostly generated for public key authentication where you need the 2 at once.
Different tool create different format.
The keygen tool of OpenSSH has become the default tool as OpenSsh is now supported on Windows and Linux platform.
How to create a keypair with OpenSSH KeyGen? to create a key pair in the pem format
With the Java keytool utility, generation of a keypair and creation of a (Java) key store (Jks) with the rsa implementation algorithm.
keytool \
-alias aliasEntry
-keyalg RSA
-keystore keyStoreName.jks
-dname "[email protected], CN=KeyName, OU=Programs Partners, O=Organisation, L=Town, C=NL"
-storepass keyStorePassword
-keysize 2048
-keypass keyPassword
- dname is the What is the LDAP Distinguished Name (DN)?
Putty has a tool to create key pair in a ppk format