What is the LDAP Distinguished Name (DN)?


DN is an acronym for Distinguished Name, a hierarchical unique identifier for an entry in the ldap tree.

It is supposed to globally uniquely identify a given entry like a certificate.

The Distinguished Name (DN) is the combination of all relative distinguished names ancestors (ie from the standard: the concatenation of the relative distinguished names of the sequence of entries from a particular entry to an immediate subordinate of the root of the tree).

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The world { relative name = 'dc=com' , description = 'The world' }
    ---- A company { relative name = 'o=foo bar ', web address = 'www.gerardnico.com'  }
            ----- A person { relative name = 'cn=foo', favorite drink = 'martini' }
            ----- A person { relative name = 'cn=Trudi', favorite drink = 'beer' }
            ----- A person { relative name = 'cn=Jay', favorite drink = 'mineral water' }

The DN of foo would be:

cn=foo,o=foo bar,dc=com

where the DN is composed of:

Two (from the standard)

An example of a Distinguished Name is

CN=Steve Kille, O=Isode Limited, C=GB

where the DN is composed of:


When adding owner information, you need to define a DN in a certificate signing request.

The distinguished name may be defined as the concatenation of all this fields or a subset of them in hierachical order.


[email protected], CN=KeyName, OU=Programs Partners, O=Organisation, L=Town, C=NL

CN=Bytle, O=Bytle, C=NL

Documentation / Reference

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