Client tools


You can query a ldap directory with the help of ldap client tool such as below



LDAP - LDP Client (Windows)



Jxplorer Ldap

Apache Directory Studio

Apache Directory Studio

Command line utility

  • ldapadd.exe
  • ldapaddmt.exe
  • ldapbind.exe
  • ldapcompare.exe
  • ldapdelete.exe
  • ldapmoddn.exe
  • ldapmodify.exe
  • ldapmodifymt.exe
  • ldapsearch.exe


When you need to search for an entry in LDAP, you must provide the base (Base Dn) of the search and a filter.

usage: ldapsearch [options] filter [attributes...]
    filter      RFC-1558 compliant LDAP search filter
    attributes  whitespace-separated list of attributes to retrieve
                (if no attribute list is given, all are retrieved)

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