Each entry has a unique name relative to its parent called its 'relative distinguished name' or RDN.
Relative distinguished name (RDN) MUST be unique among all its siblings.
Articles Related
The world { relative name 'dc=com' , description = 'The world' }
---- A company { relative name = 'o=gerard nico', web address = 'www.gerardnico.com' }
----- A person { relative name = 'cn=Nico', favorite drink = 'martini' }
----- A person { relative name = 'cn=Trudi', favorite drink = 'beer' }
----- A person { relative name = 'cn=Jay', favorite drink = 'mineral water' }
The RDN of Nico would be:
CN = RDN ??? as the CN attribute MUST be used to form the RDN of the subschema entry. See in the standard 3.2.2. Subschema Entries and Subentries