A color is:
- a light wave in a range called the visual spectrum (that our eye see)
- the absence of light or mixed (achromatic colors (white, black, gray)
- in computer a data type that denotes a color.
A color can be called by its name (or the color name of its most obvious, or dominant hue).
Colors are discrete values with no clear ordering.
A color has three properties:
- hue (colors of the rainbow)
- saturation (colorfull, colorness, intensity)
- lightness (light/dark)
A color is defined in a colorspace that use as coordinates (known also as channel):
- the main properties for human: HSV (hue, saturation, lightness)
- the physicals properties such as:
- additive property: RGB where you mix the red, green, and blue primary colors at a certain saturation.
They can all be done via software or library