The name of a color that is attached to a color
- chromatic (with hue - represent a specific wavelength on the visual spectrum)
- or achromatic without hue (white, black, gray)
When the color of the object is not completely contigu (discrete), the color name is its most obvious, or dominant hue.
CSS List
Css defined a whole list of name 1).
Keyword | numerical RGB | Page |
aqua | #00ffff | |
black | #000000 | black |
blue | #0000ff | blue |
cyan | cyan | |
fuchsia | #ff00ff | |
gray | #808080 | gray |
green | #008000 | green |
lime | #00ff00 | |
magenta | magenta | |
maroon | #800000 | |
navy | #000080 | |
olive | #808000 | |
orange | #ffA500 | orange |
purple | #800080 | |
red | #ff0000 | red |
silver | #c0c0c0 | |
teal | #008080 | |
violet | #008080 | violet |
white (white | #ffffff | white |
yellow | #ffff00 | yellow |