orange is:
- a hue color (chromatic)
- a pure color without additive.
- one of the percepted human colors.
- is almost never used as primary color (could be)
- located at 600 nm on the visual spectrum
- bellow red in the visual spectrum (It has therefore a low dispersion coefficient in the air and is therefore one of the main color of a sunset with red)
- above yellow in the visual spectrum
- located at:
- 30 degree in a additive wheel
- 90 degree in a subtractive wheel
- coupled with this emotions: fun, freedom, warmth, comfort, playfulness
- is a warm color
This is the more common color to avert of a warning (mainly due to the fact that red is its closest neighbor).
The complementary color of red is blue.
- #FFA500
- 255,165,0
- Name: orange