An apex domain is the domain name that:
- is composed of the two top-level label of a name (the first being the top level domain)
- does not contain a subdomain
For example: example.com is an apex domain.
Apex domains are also known as:
- base,
- bare,
- naked,
- apex,
- Origin
- registered
- domain apex
- second level domain name
- or zone apex.
The Root domain is not a apex domain
This is not the same concept than the LDAP distinguished name (DN)
The main usage is to qualify relative name and makes them unique on an internet scope
The apex domain name can be found in:
- Host: In the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of a host, the domain is the last part. If your host is called mycomputer.oups.gerardnico.local, the DNS Domain Name is oups.gerardnico.local.
- Email: In email address, the domain name is the name after the at sign.
- Url: Web - URL
An apex domain is configured with one of the following DNS record:
- an A,
- or ANAME
If you're configuring the apex domain, you should also configure up the www subdomain.