Challenge of ownership


challenge are actions that permits to verify the ownership of a private key. They are used during the CA certificate signing verification


Domain Validated

To get a domain validated certificate, you need to prove the ownership of a domain via ACME challenges. (ie setting a DNS TXT record, …)

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Domain Validate Certificate
Domain Validated Certificates (DV)

Domain Validated certificates are server signed certificates where the ownership of the domain was checked. There is no identifying organizational information for these certificates and thus should never...
Certificate Validity Period Not Before Not After Portecle
How a certificate is signed ? (known also as issuing or producing)

This article talks how a certificate: is send by a sender (known also as the owner) and gets its signature from a trusted ca to validate the identity of the sender. By signing a certificate, the...
What is ACME? Automatic Certificate Management Environment

ACME is a protocol that automates the issuance of domain validated certificate by a certification authority (CA) to an applicant. ACME is simple (It has almost been implemented in pure...

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