Axon - User Profile (role, task authorization)

Card Puncher Data Processing


An Axon user can perform the following different types of tasks based on the profile that is assigned to their account:

  • Administering users and managing Axon
  • Creating and managing content
  • Viewing contentUser Profiles

Every Axon user has a user profile. The type of profile decides the tasks that a user can perform in Axon. An administrator associates user profiles to user accounts.


Users can have one of the following user profiles associated with their account:


A WebUser is the most basic user profile in Axon. WebUsers have permission to view content. An administrator can provide advanced permissions to a WebUser on a facet by assigning a role. SuperAdmin users can adjust the permissions applicable to a role. Any user with the Edit privileges for an object can assign roles to WebUsers. The WebUser then becomes a stakeholder for the facet and can perform other tasks to create or manage content for the facet. Stakeholder roles can provide Create permissions for a facet and Edit permissions for individual objects. For example, a WebUser with the relevant role and permission can bulk upload data to Axon. A WebUser with the New permission can access the Enterprise Catalog tab from the Axon toolbar.


Users can perform administrative tasks on facets if they are assigned the Admin profile. Users with the admin profile have access to the Admin Panel. Users with the Admin profile can perform the following tasks from the Admin Panel:

  • Assign roles and permissions
  • Bulk update objects from the Unison grid
  • Use the static page editor
  • Manage locks
  • Link Enterprise Catalog resources to systems and fields to attributes
  • Bulk upload objects
  • View non-public and deleted objects
  • View licensed users
  • Download logs
  • Customize and configure Axon settings


Users with the SuperAdmin profile can perform all administrative tasks in Axon. In addition to the tasks that a user with the Admin profile can perform, a user with a SuperAdmin profile can perform the following tasks:

  • Create roles and permissions
  • Configure default workflows
  • Configure drop-downs
  • Edit the glossary rules engine
  • Import Data
  • Configure automatic glossary assignment

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Card Puncher Data Processing
Axon - User


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