Effective Oracle by Design by Tom Kyte

Card Puncher Data Processing

Author : Tom Kyte


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Card Puncher Data Processing

A list of books B00125MJYMThe Non-Designer's Design Book (3rd Edition) (Non Designer's Design Book) B009ZUZ9FWthe K&R White Book B00J9IJ5R8The Art of Computer...
Card Puncher Data Processing
DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO to manage long-running operation

Long running operation is defined as longer than three to five seconds. If you execute a long-running command, a dynamic performance view V will be populated with information with the following information...
Data System Architecture
Index - Btree (When Should You use it)

When you should we use a btree index. Rule of thumb if you're going to access a very small percentage of the rows in the table via the index if you are going to process many rows of a table and...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - (B|Balanced) Tree - BTree indexes

The implementation of btree index in the Oracle database. To get to the leaf block to retrieve the first row of a query of the form will take the same number of I/Os regardless of the...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - Example of query Tuning (to decrease the logical I/O)

To decrease the , you have several possibilities : first, you must compute the statistic to give all information to the in order to find the best . second, to add an index (Not always good) precompute...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - How to detect read from the temporary tablespace ?

How to detect read from the temporary tablespace ? Step followed : disable automatic PGA management by the server set the hash area size. and play with the sort area size In this example, the...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - Runstats

Runstats is a tool that have developed to compare two different methods of doing the same thing and show which one is superior. You supply the two different methods and runstats does the rest. Runstats...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Oracle Database - The effect of ArraySize on Logical I/O

ARRAYSIZE is the number of rows Oracle returns to a client when they ask for the next row. The client will then buffer these rows and use them before asking the database for the next set of rows. ...
Card Puncher Data Processing
SQL PLUS - Array size

The array size is a configuration variable which set the fetch size. Valid values are 1 to 5000. A large value increases the efficiency of queries and subqueries that fetch many rows, but requires more...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Tom Kyte

is : Author from Effective Oracle by Design book Writer on the Asktom Author from the Oracle Magazine's Ask Tom column Writer on Blog

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