Graph - Undirected graph



A undirected graph is a graph without direction information

Undirected edges are suitable for modeling symmetric relations

The inverse is called a directed graph

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(Network|Graph) - Directed Graph (or digraph)

A directed graph (or digraph) is a graph, where the edges have a direction associated with them. Directed edges are suitable for modeling asymmetric relations undirected Data flow modeling ...
Data System Architecture
(Tree|Nested Set|Hierarchy) Data Structure

A tree is a node that may have children. Tree's are inherently recursive by definition as each child of a node is a Tree itself, with or without children nodes. A tree is a special case of a graph structure...
Graph (Network - Nodes and edges)

A graph is a set of vertices connected by edges. See Data representation that naturally captures complex relationships is a graph (or network). Except of the special graph that a tree is, the data...
Graph - Data Structure (Physical Representation)

A graph is represented generally in a physical data structure The graph is composed of two set. a set of vertices (node) Node a b c and set of egde represented for a : directed graph...
Graph - Direction

A direction is a property of an edge. Directed edges are suitable for modeling asymmetric relations Undirected edges are suitable for modeling symmetric relations An edge is directed if it has a...

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