Java - Timezone

Java Conceptuel Diagram


This article is about time zone in Java.


      .forEach(tz-> System.out.println(+tz.getRawOffset()/1000/60/24+" - "+tz.getID()+" - "+tz.getDisplayName()));
0 - Europe/Isle_of_Man - Greenwich Mean Time
0 - Europe/Jersey - Greenwich Mean Time
0 - Europe/Lisbon - Western European Time
0 - Europe/London - Greenwich Mean Time
0 - GB - Greenwich Mean Time
0 - GB-Eire - Greenwich Mean Time
0 - GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
0 - GMT0 - Greenwich Mean Time
0 - Greenwich - Greenwich Mean Time
0 - Iceland - Greenwich Mean Time
0 - Portugal - Western European Time
0 - UCT - Coordinated Universal Time
0 - UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
0 - Universal - Coordinated Universal Time
0 - WET - Western European Time
0 - Zulu - Coordinated Universal Time
2 - Africa/Algiers - Central European Time
2 - Africa/Bangui - Western African Time
2 - Africa/Brazzaville - Western African Time
2 - Africa/Ceuta - Central European Time




A ResultSet.getTimestamp(String) will get a Timestamp representing time in the local time zone

from UTC to Timezone: If you've stored my date-time values in UTC, you should specify a time-zone when retrieving, by using a Calendar object.

ResultSet rs;
TimeZone tzUtc   = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
Calendar cUtc   = Calendar.getInstance(tzUtc);
Timestamp ts = rs.getTimestamp("dateColumn", cUtc);
System.out.println(ts.getTime()); // prints 0

The same timezone-shifting problem can also occur on the way in. Make sure the value in the database really is 0. If it isn't, use PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(0, cUtc) to prevent the shift.

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Pt Mt Ct Et Us Time Zones
What are Time Zones and how can you use them?

The world is split hierachically into time zones. The splitting may be done over two dimensions: longitudinal or city (Island) There are 24 longitudinal time zones (one time zone for one hour)...

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