It's a package designed to allow you to add logging or trace statements to a PL/SQL application.
create procedure p ( p_owner in varchar2, p_object_name in varchar2)
l_status number := 0 ;
Debug.f ('Entering procedure', inputs "%s", "%s" )
--.... some code ....
Debug.f ('Normal exit, status = %d', l_status );
If the debug package where told to generate a trace file via a call to debug.init, you will have this :
12062002 213953(P.PROCEDURE 5) Enter procedure inputs "A", "B"
12062002 213955(P.PROCEDURE 56) Normal exit, status = 0
Where :
- 12062002 is the date MMDDYYYY format
- 213953 is the time HH24MISS format
How to install it
- Download it : debugf.zip
- create a utility user
create user utility identified by utility;
grant create session, create procedure, create table, create trigger to utility;
alter user utility default tablespace users quota unlimited on users;
- run install_debug in that schema
- create a public synonym for debug