
Card Puncher Data Processing


MinTTY is a terminal. It's the default terminal of MSYS2.

It is a terminal emulator used by:


  • In Cygwin, it is installed as the default terminal by Cygwin's setup.exe.
  • In MSYS, the mintty package can be installed with the command mingw-get install mintty.

Alternatively, binaries for Cygwin 1.7, 1.5 and MSYS can be found on the downloads page.


It supports:

  • a resizable window,
  • non-rectangular selections
  • Unicode font.

Windows console programs (such as interactive Python) must be launched via winpty to work in MinTTY.


  • Xterm-compatible terminal emulation.
  • Native Windows user interface with a simple options dialog.
  • Easy copy & paste.
  • Drag & drop of text, files and folders.
  • Ability to open files and URLs with Ctrl+click.
  • Comprehensive character encoding support, including UTF-8.
  • Wide character display and Windows IME support.
  • Window transparency, including glass effect on Vista and 7.
  • 256 colours.
  • Fullscreen mode.
  • Options stored in a text file. No registry entries.
  • Small program size and quick scrolling.

Documentation / Reference

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