SVN - Working Copy

Card Puncher Data Processing


A working copy is the copy you have checked out to your working area. It doesn't matter if it is a branch or from the trunk. It's what you are working on. So working copy is your checkout, however it was obtained.

You can switch between branches (or more correctly copies) of the same parent with svn switch.

Documentation / Reference

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Card Puncher Data Processing
SVN - Branch

in Svn. Branches are copies of the same parent (Normally a copy of the trunk directory). The current branch is called a working copy. You can switch between branches in your working copy with svn switch....
Card Puncher Data Processing
SVN - Switch

Switching is just changing the branch your working copy commits to. It's like changing the pointer in the repository where your commits will go. With the aid of acquiring any differences from the branch...
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Copy is a command that permits to create a branch With tortoise: Checkout the trunk (It can be done from another branch) Right click on the folder and select “Branch/Tag... ” Enter the...
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in Svn Between Previous and Working copy Between two specific commit number
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As the trunk is also a branch, the steps below are basically the same but I wanted to keep them apart because it gives a step by step guide for beginners. Commit your work if any Your directory...

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