Prometheus - Server

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The Prometheus server is the server of the monitoring prometheus system

The server is:


The server is available by default at http://localhost:9090

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Prometheus - OS PromQl Expression

This page is the calculation of OS metrics with promql This metrics are collected and send to the server on linux by the node_exporter. The average amount of CPU time spent in system mode, per second,...
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Prometheus - Query (PromQL, Expression)

PromQL Query / Expression The number of request increase every 5 minutes return the time series of the metric name promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total with different labels by requests statuses....
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Prometheus - Time Serie

All data stored and manipulated are time series in Prometheus server making it a time serie database. Every time series is uniquely identified by: its metric name and optional key-value pairs called...
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Prometheus - prometheus.yml (conf)

The configuration of prometheus is done via the prometheus.yml file in a Yaml format Global Block Controls the Prometheus server's global configuration rule_files block specifies the location...
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Prometheus Server Docker Installation on Windows

Step by step to start a Prometheus Server instance with a Docker container and a bind mount. Create a prometheus.yml file. Example: In the same directory than the created configuration file...
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Prometheus is a metrics monitoring system developed in Go. The architecture of a Prometheus System is: a server and one or more metrics exporter. Prometheus is an open source monitoring system developed...

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