Prometheus - Collector

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A collector is a metrics collector and is embedded in the prometheus server.



The scrape_configs block of the prometheus.yml file controls what resources Prometheus monitors. The below example shows a single job, called prometheus, which scrapes the metrics (time series data) exposed by an exporter (below this is the internal Prometheus server exporter)


  - job_name: prometheus
      - targets: ['localhost:9090']
    scheme: 'https' 


Ref Conf Doc


Relabeling permits:

Relabeling Configuration:

  • relabel_config - This relabeling step happens before a connection to an exporter with connection data available (Prometheus Service Discovery)
    • No connection means there is no data metrics or labels yet, so you can't drop metrics.
    • You can only manipulate the internal labels Prometheus set.
    • Why ? You can use relabel_config to change address, port or to make a decision whether this instance should be scraped at all.
    • Metric relabeling is applied to samples as the last step before ingestion.
    • Usage:
      • exclude time series that are too expensive to ingest.
      • drop/modify internal URI labelling such as instance and scrape_uri

Extra labels:

  • Discovered label that you can see on the target page by clicking on a target
  • Internal Labels

Internal labels begin with two underscores and are removed after all relabeling steps are applied

Label name Description
__name__ The scraped metric’s name
__address__ host:port of the scrape target
__scheme__ URI scheme of the scrape target
__metrics_path__ Metrics endpoint of the scrape target
__param_<name> is the value of the first URL parameter passed to the target
__scrape_interval__ The target’s scrape interval (experimental)
__scrape_timeout__ The target’s timeout (experimental)
__meta_ Special labels set set by the Service Discovery mechanism
__tmp Special prefix used to temporarily store label values before discarding them

After relabeling, the instance label is set to the value of __address__ by default if it was not set during relabeling.

How and when to drop internal labels?

Don't delete the instance label on relabel_config or you get an error because the collector don't know where to connect:

msg="Creating target failed" err="instance 0 in group endpoints/com-datacadamia/com-datacadamia: no address"

If you want to drop it, drop it on metric_relabel_configs

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