Density is a column statistics that store a decimal number between 0 and 1 that measures the selectivity of a column. Values close to 1 indicate that the column is
Density provides selectivity estimates for:
- equi-join predicates (e.g. A.COL1 = B.COL1)
- and equality predicates (e.g. COL1 = 5).
The more selective a column, the less rows are likely to be returned by a query referencing this column in its predicate list.
The density is expressed as a decimal number between 0 and 1.
- Values close to 1 indicate that this column is unselective
- Values close to 0 indicate that this column is highly selective
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Without Histogram
Without histogram: <MATH> \text{Density} = \frac{1}{\text{Number of distinct NON null values}} </MATH>
With Histogram
Since Oracle 7.3, histogram are used in the calculation.
The calculation i splits by the type of popularity:
- A non-popular value is one that does not span multiple bucket end points.
- A popular value is one that spans multiple end points.
Non-Popular value
For non-popular values the density is calculated as the number of non-popular values divided by the total number of values. Formula: <MATH> \text{Density} = \frac{\text{Number of non-popular values}}{\text{Total number of values}} </MATH>
Popular Value
Popular values calculate the selectivity of a particular column values by using histograms.
The Selectivity (Density ?) for popular values is calculated as: <MATH> \text{Selectivity} = \frac{\text{Number of end points spanned by this value}}{\text{Total number of end points}} </MATH>