The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter controls the levels of statistics gathered:
- BASIC: will disables the collection of many of the important statistics
- TYPICAL (Default): will ensure collection of all major statistics required
- ALL: will add timed operating system statistics and plan execution statistics to the TYPICAL level.
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You can query it for instance with the show parameter command:
show parameter statistics_level
------------------------------------ ----------- -----------------
statistics_level string TYPICAL
See the view VSTATISTICS_LEVEL for more details.
TYPICAL | Active Session History | ENABLED | VACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY | Monitors active session activity using M |
Adaptive Thresholds Enabled | ENABLED | Controls if Adaptive Thresholds should b | ||
Automated Maintenance Tasks | ENABLED | Controls if Automated Maintenance should | ||
Automatic DBOP Monitoring | ENABLED | VSQL_MONITOR | Controls if automatic DBOP Monitoring sh | |
Bind Data Capture | ENABLED | VSQL_BIND_CAPTURE | Enables capture of bind values used by S | |
Buffer Cache Advice | ENABLED | VDB_CACHE_ADVICE | Predicts the impact of different cache s | |
Global Cache Statistics | ENABLED | RAC Buffer Cache statistics | ||
Longops Statistics | ENABLED | VSESSION_LONGOPS | Enables Longops Statistics | |
MTTR Advice | ENABLED | VMTTR_TARGET_ADVICE | Predicts the impact of different MTTR se | |
Modification Monitoring | ENABLED | Enables modification monitoring | ||
OLAP row load time precision | ENABLED | Sets precision of olap row load time sta | ||
PGA Advice | ENABLED | VPGA_TARGET_ADVICE | Predicts the impact of different values | |
Plan Execution Sampling | ENABLED | VACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY | Enables plan lines sampling | |
SQL Monitoring | ENABLED | VSQL_MONITORING | Controls if SQL Monitoring should be ena | |
Segment Level Statistics | ENABLED | VSEGSTAT | Enables gathering of segment access stat | |
Shared Pool Advice | ENABLED | VSHARED_POOL_ADVICE | Predicts the impact of different values | |
Streams Pool Advice | ENABLED | VSTREAMS_POOL_ADVICE | Predicts impact on Streams perfomance of | |
Threshold-based Alerts | ENABLED | Controls if Threshold-based Alerts shoul | ||
Time Model Events | ENABLED | VSESS_TIME_MODEL | Enables Statics collection for time even | |
Timed Statistics | ENABLED | Enables gathering of timed statistics | ||
Ultrafast Latch Statistics | ENABLED | Maintains statistics for ultrafast latch | ||
Undo Advisor, Alerts and Fast Ramp up | ENABLED | VUNDOSTAT | Transaction layer manageability features | |
VIOSTAT_* statistics | ENABLED | Controls if I/O stats in viostat_ shoul | ||
ALL | Global Cache CPU Statistics | DISABLED | RAC Buffer Cache CPU statistics | |
Plan Execution Statistics | DISABLED | VSQL_PLAN_STATISTICS | Enables collection of plan execution sta | |
Timed OS Statistics | DISABLED | Enables gathering of timed operating sys |