Assembly - Operand

Card Puncher Data Processing


Instruction - Operand in Assembly

When present, they take the form of either:

  • literals
  • or identifiers for data items. Operand identifiers are either:
    • reserved names of registers
    • data items declared in another part of the program

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Card Puncher Data Processing
Assembly - Instruction

in Assembly The syntax of an instruction in assembly is as follow: where: A label A mnemonic is a reserved name for a class of instruction opcodes which have the same function. The operands...
Jmp Intel
Assembly - Mnemonic (instruction class)

A mnemonic is a name that groups different opcode that have the same purpose. Precisely, a mnemonic is a reserved name for aclass of instruction opcodes which have the same function. . Below is...
Instruction Format Intel64 Ia32
Intel Instruction Interpretation

This section is based on the section 3-1 - interpreting the instruction pages reference of the intel documentation and used the jmp mnemonic as example. Definition: The jmp mnemonic transfers program...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Language - Assembly (asm)

Assembly language is a low-level programming language. It's a the second generation of language just above machine language. This language is a much more readable language than machine language because...

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