Trigonometry - Tangent

Card Puncher Data Processing

<MATH> a = r . \sin \theta \\ b = r . \cos \theta \\ tan \theta = \frac{ \sin \theta} { \cos \theta } = \frac{ a }{ b } </MATH>

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Card Puncher Data Processing
Trigonometry - Angle (or Arc) (Alpha - α)

(tri)angle Angle is counted in the Babylonian numeral system, base-60. (360 degrees in a circle) with the identity function - 360 degree degrees minutes seconds where:...
Card Puncher Data Processing
Trigonometry - Function

Trigonometric functions are function of an angle. Trigonometric functions are important in the modeling of periodic phenomena. List: sine, cosine, tangent Trigonometric_functions

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