How to create a javascript global library (namespace pattern)

Javascript - How to create a javascript global library (with the namespace pattern)


namespace pattern is when libraries made themselves available from everywhere using a single global variable

From everywhere, means that:

They are also known as:

  • Global library
  • Global module.

Basically, a library is just a object stored in a global variable but you can add scope functionality thanks to function. The below steps show you step by step how a library is build and even how plugin can be added.


Basic: Object

The basic implementation of a globale namespace pattern is to use directly an object as global variable


  • A minimal library
let myLibrary = {
   "hello": function(to) {
          to = this.user;
       console.log(`Hello ${to} !`); 
  • Usage:

There is no private variable sharing possible between the function in this construct. This is why the below function construct is more often used because it adds a scope.

With scope: IIFE Function

In this global namespace pattern:

The scope of the variable or function is:

  • public if you add it to the global variable
  • private otherwise (ie they stay in the scope of the IIFE function)


window.libraryName = window.libraryName || {};
  • The library definition that:
    • is done inside a IIFE in order to scope the variable.
    • gets the global variable as argument.
(function( globalVariable ) {
    // Public Property because created on the global variable
    globalVariable.greeting = "Hello"; 
    // Private Property (scoped to stay inside the IIFE)
    let defaultName= "Anonym";

    // Public Method  because attached on the global variable
    globalVariable.hello = function( to ) {

    // Private Method
    function helloWorld( to ) {
        if (to===undefined ){
          to = defaultName;
       console.log( `${globalVariable.greeting} ${to.trim()} !`);
})( window.libraryName = window.libraryName || {} );
  • Usage:
libraryName.greeting = "Hoi";
  • Result:

With Plugin

Note that passing the below argument construction to the IIFE permits to build up the library (global variable) by applying several IIFE to the global variable (ie library)

window.libraryName = window.libraryName || {}

This is the basis for plugin building.


(function( globalVariable ) {
    globalVariable.highFiveHello = function( to ) {
       if (to===undefined ){
          to = "Anonym High Five";
          // Using
          // to = defaultName; 
          // will not work because the `defaultName` variable was private.
        console.log( `${globalVariable.greeting} ${to.trim()} \u270B! `);

}( window.libraryName = window.libraryName || {}) );
  • When we use it, the Hello greeting from the first library definition is used.
  • Result:

Library using this pattern

The below library uses the following global variable

  • jQuery or $ for Jquery
  • _ for lodash

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