(World Wide) Web - (W3|WWW)
The World Wide Web (WWW, or simply Web) is a group of technology that works together to create a web app
It is an information space in which the items of interest, referred to as resources (HTML page,…), are identified by global identifiers called Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI, URL).
The Web is an application of internet.
For a frontend application, the web is a stack of technology that works together:
- webcode to create the pages
- and Javascript: Javascript (Js|ECMAScript)
- HTTP to serve the pages from the http server to the browser.
DNS, UDP, IP, TCP and TLS are concepts of the network stack
In a backend application:
- storage system such as file system and database are used to create/store data
- and HTTP is used to:
- get request
Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal in 1989 for a system called the World Wide Web (w3). He then wrote:
In October 1994, Tim Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT/LCS) in collaboration with CERN, where the Web originated, with support from DARPA and the European Commission.