Web HTTP - SameSite Cookie property (First-Party-Only)


samesite is a cookie property that controls if a cookie should be sent along in a cross-site HTTP request ie:

The browser reads this value when doing a browser request (fetch) and determines if it should add to the request:

Example and confusion

Consider the scenario in which a user:

If intranet.com has marked the session cookie with the samesite value as:

    • The browser won't add the session cookie to this cross-site request
    • first.com will respond with a 401 error (Non authorized).
    • The user is confused because they are authorized to see this project and they were already logged in
  • lax or none:
    • The browser will add the session cookie to this cross-site request

How to avoid the confusion?

Developers can avoid this confusion by adopting a session management system that relies on not one, but two cookies 1):

Number Cookie Authorization SameSite Description
1 read Lax (or empty) Allow users access to data via top-level navigation
2 write Strict Disallow write operation via top-level navigation

The absence of the second cookie would provide a reauthentication step before executing any non-idempotent action.

Usage / Use Case


When a cookie is a same-site cookie (ie with the strict or lax value), this parameter allows a robust defense against:


The strict or lax value are inappropriate for:

  • content embedding in a cross-site contexts (social networking widgets or commenting services, for instance) where the user's state is needed
  • Single-Sign-On that require authentication in a cross-site context


SameSite values


Lax is the Default in browser


  • are allowed to be sent with top-level navigations (when this is the first navigation)
  • will be sent along with safe request (request method that does not changes state such as GET, HEAD) initiated by a third-party website.
  • are prohibited for an unsafe request method (ie request method that changes state such as POST, PATCH, PUT).

In other words, first-party cookies:

  • are not sent on cross-site sub-requests, such as calls to load images or frames,
  • are sent when a user navigates to the URL from an external site (third-party website), for example, by following a link.


In Strict mode, cookies

  • are not added for any kind of cross-site request. (They will not be added along with requests initiated by third-party websites).
  • are only be sent in a first-party context (same-site)

The browser will only send cookies for same-site requests (requests originating from the site that set the cookie).

  • If the request originated from a different URL than the URL of the current location, none of the cookies tagged
  • with the Strict attribute will be included.


In None mode, Cookies will be sent in all contexts, i.e sending cross-origin is allowed (ie third party cookie are added)

In this mode, the security flag should be set (ie HTTPS is mandatory)

For development purposes, you can disable the security requirement with a option flag.


A same-site cookie is a cookie where the same-site value has been set to strict or lax

Top-level site

The “top-level site” is the registered/apex domain in the address bar of the browser.

Same-site vs Cross-site

A request is:


  • login.example.com and blog.example.com will trigger same-site request because they share the same apex domain.

Documentation / Reference

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