Security - First party

Security - First party


The opposite of third party ?

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First Party Cookie

A first party cookie is a cookie that is created by the domain that the user is visiting. If the code used is: yours, it's a first party script not yours, it's a third party script When a user...
Oauth - Client (App)

client is one of the 4 roles of the Oauth specification. In its most basic form, it's a web site used by a end-user. In more details, it's is a (first-party or third party service application making...
Oauth 2.0 - Authorization framework

This section talks OAuth 2.0 (OAuth 2.0 replaces OAuth 1.0) The following two specifications provide a general framework for third-party applications (know as the client) to obtain and use limited...
Set Cookie Block Bad Domain Att Vs Current Host Url
The domain property of a cookie in depth

This article is about the domain property of a cookie and defines what is a domain, how it's used and what's permitted.
Map Of Internet 1973
What is a DNS CNAME (Canonical Name) ?

A CNAME (Canonical Name) is the DNS alias functionality that maps a domain name to another name. More ...
What is a HTTP Same-Site Request?

A request is: same-site if its target's URI's origin's registrable domain is an exact match for the request's initiator's (the parent or referer)) and cross-site otherwise. In security terms, it's...
What is the SameSite Cookie property? First-Party and third-party cookie control

samesite is a cookie property that controls if a cookie should be sent along in a cross-site HTTP request ie: when the origin of the code (HTML, Javascript, ..) that created the request (generally the...

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