Oauth - Credential



This page lists all token used in OAuth




The final credential that grant the client the access to protected resource is called an access token.


Intermediate credential are used against the token endpoint to get a final credential (ie access token)


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OAuth - Authorization Code

An authorization code is a intermediate credential used in a authorization code flow to retrieve a access token. It's a shared secret that does not long live because it's passed back via the query parameters...
OAuth - Implicit Grant and flow

The implicit grant is a grant type (flow) that issued directly an access token. (It does not support the issuance of refresh tokens). This grant type is called implicit, as no intermediate credentials...
OAuth - Resource Owner Password Credentials / Password Credentials Flow

This page is the authentication via the password credentials (ie login+password) in OAuth. This type of authentication is known in Oauth as: the Password Credentials Flow. the Resource owner password...
Oauth - Authorization Grant (Resource Owner Authorization|Authorization Credentials)

An Authorization Grant is a credential representing the resource owner's authorization to access its protected resources. The flow for each type of grant is expressed using grant type: one of four...
Oauth - Refresh token

When an access token expires, developers can use an optional refresh token to request a new access token without having to ask the user to enter their credentials again. Refresh tokens are credentials...
What are Credentials also known as identification tokens or authenticators ?

Credentials are electronic information that is used to verify an identity. They are provided by client application (ie user, browser, application) to prove their identity Credentials are also known as:...
What is the OAuth Authorization Code Flow?

The authorization code grant type (flow) works with an intermediate credential called a authorization code. It is a indirect and redirection-based flow that is optimized for confidential clients. The...

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