What is the Bearer Token in OAuth?



bearer token is a oauth access token implementation defined in the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework

  • Bearer Tokens are the predominant type of access token used with OAuth 2.0.
  • This is a stateless authentication mechanism as the user state is never saved in server memory.


A Bearer Token is an opaque string, not intended to have any meaning to clients using it.

There is no defined structure for the token required by the specification 1). You can generate and implement them however you want.

The token may be:

  • structured such as a Json Web Token (JWT), Self-Encoded tokens
  • or unstructured such as a hexadecimal nonce that would be stored in a database along with the associated user and scope information.

The valid characters are:

  • alphanumeric,
  • and the following punctuation characters: -._~+/


Any party in possession of a bearer token (a bearer) can use it to get access to the associated resources (without demonstrating possession of a cryptographic key) because the token is:

  • or is known by the authorization server

Authorization header

You will find it in the authoritzation header of a HTTP request

Authorization: Bearer <token>
Authorization: Bearer some+base64+string



When an authentication is bearer-only, it means that the authentication requires a authorization header

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