How does Single Sign-on (SSO) authentication work?

All about Trusted sign-on or Multi-Domain Security


Single Sign-On (SSO, trusted sign-on) is a federation identity application. It's the ability:

  • to require a user to sign once
  • and gain access to different applications.

SSO is also known as:

  • as Trusted sign-on
  • or Multi-Domain Security



Single sign-on (sso) is conceptually pretty simple 1).

If you know the oauth flows, it's basically a indirect oauth flow, where the authorization point sets its own session cookie.

In this flow, there are:

  • The sso server,
  • and two applications:

Login on

Login on

Next, log in on domain2

  • User hits and redirects to
  • already has a cookie for the user, so does not present the login page
  • redirects back to with the encrypted information
  • logs in the user.

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