What is and how works the Basic Authentication scheme? (HTTP)


Basic Access Authentication is an Authentication mechanism for HTTP request.

To be authenticated, the request should have:


Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==


  • Authorization is the authorization header
  • Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA== is the value where:
    • dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA== is an example of Base64 output of username:password where:
      • username is the username of the user
      • password can be:

Oauth encode them both using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm 1)

Security: HTTPS mandatory

HTTPS is always used in conjunction with Basic Authentication.

Why? Because Basic access authentication uses the Base64 encoding. It is a public reversible encoding scheme, meaning that you can decrypt the value without any secret.

You should then encrypt the network traffic with HTTPS (TLS) so that the whole request is not readable by a man in the middle


How to make a Browser ask for credentials?

You can ask a browser to take care of the user/password dialog prompt.


In a sequence diagram:

sequenceDiagram participant User participant Browser participant Server User->>Browser: Enter URL in the browser or click a link Browser->>Server: Send GET HTTP Request Server->>Browser: Return 401 status with WWW-Authenticate Header Browser->>User: Enter your credentials in this form User->>Browser: Done Browser->>Server: Send GET HTTP Request with HTTP authorization header Server->>Browser: Validated, here, the HTML page (or any other resources) Browser->>User: Load the HTML page and shows it to the User

Soap UI

In Soap UI, you can enter the credentials in the Auth tab.

Soap Ui Basic Authentication

Documentation / Reference

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